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Capture edge 2.1.4

See what's new in Capture and check the improvements and functionalities in this 2.1.4 update.

New Features

  • Feature: Support for file syncing to Azure blob storage. See documentation
  • Feature: OPC UA custom object support
  • Feature: CaptureObjectArray support for Redis pub/sub and Redis key/value. See documentation
  • Feature: OpcUa simple Json support
  • Feature: OPC UA mirror auth: added username via config
  • Feature: Redis JSON key support
  • Feature: Redis Key/Value support for key patterns (wildcards)
  • Feature: Detect and rename InfluxDb address when running in docker environment (http://localhost:8086 > http://influxdb:8086)
  • Feature: Extra info about the gateway (MAC, IP's, ...) is sent to the cloud. This info is not yet handled by the backend.
  • Feature: An extra field is added to the Redis configuration to select the Database Number/ID.
  • Feature: A timestamp can be added to each synced point, with the time of syncing. Set the property EnhancePointsWithSyncTime in the JSON to true.
  • Feature: With the configuration property WriteToDbDelayMs can a delay be configured before data points are written to the db. This reduces the chance of extra data to be collected for the same timestamp later on. This is no problem with an Influx db, but could be interesting when writing to Csv. When a Csv local db is configured, the default of this setting is 1000 ms, otherwise 0.
  • Feature: Prometheus receiver. Docs


  • Improvement: Runtime upgrade to .NET 8
  • Improvement: OPC UA time offset better strategy via servertime node
  • Improvement: Improved value change detection for OnChange collect type
  • Improvement: Performance improvement CsvWriter
  • Improvement: Windows installer will now try to shut down already running Capture services before starting the installation.
  • Improvement: Startup performance improvement
  • Improvement: Default config is automatically adapted to the current config (native/docker)
  • Improvement: Network check for sync rules is checked immediately after startup
  • Improvement: More human friendly and less frequent version info console logging.
  • Improvement: If the Influx service is stopped on Windows, CloudManager will not try to stop it before starting it.
  • Improvement: Improved logging in update mechanism and Syncer


  • Fixed: Precision loss when collecting floats
  • Fixed: Incorrect field names for hybrid or timer collect type on CaptureObjects
  • Fixed: CAN requester incorrectly parsing Datetime type
  • Fixed: OPC UA could not connect if connection name has special characters
  • Fixed: ADS not capturing initial value after startup (ADS Beta connection type)
  • Fixed: OPC UA reuse existing connections when OPC UA server restarts
  • Fixed: Only first sync rule was checked
  • Fixed: Hybrid and Timer collect types not correcting timestamps when "use system time" setting
  • Fixed: If within one connection, multiple measurements have the same name, except for a single trailing digit (for example 'measurement1' and 'measurement2'), and those measurements have a variable with the same name, and those variables have collect type hybrid or timer, the periodic points could end up assigned to the wrong measurement variable.
  • Fixed: If an installation upgrade package aborted because the required runtime is not installed, the installation will now be marked as failed, instead of successful.
  • Fixed: Miscellaneous fixes when with collecting when multiple variables have the same name
  • Fixed: In some cases the list of measurements to sync wasn't correctly populated in the Cloudmanager UI.
  • Fixed: System monitoring only collecting temperature data on native Windows and Linux

Known issues

  • On Follow not working if multiple variables have the same name (in different measurements). Will be fixed in 2.1.5