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Global overview

On the alerting overview page you can see a list of all triggered alerts. These are sorted by their corresponding device. When clicking on the dropdown button on the left of a device name, a list of all alerts from that device will be shown. When clicking on the alert name, the Detailed view page will appear.

Detail view

On the left hand side, you'll see a list of all alert triggers from the corresponding device. To remove an alert occurrence, click on the Bin Icon.

On the right side, more detailed info about the alert rule is present.


Triggered onThis shows the date and time the alert was triggered on
CompanyThe company to wich the device of the alert belongs
NotificationThe notification that was written while setting up the alert config
LoggerThe corresponding device where the alert was triggered
Config IDThe name of the alert configuration
Write alert to databaseBoolean statement that dictates if the alert was written to the database or not


This shows the conditions that were created in the alert config followed by [True] if the condition was met, else [False]. On the right side of the table, you can also read the value that was measured in order to trigger this alert.