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General configuration

config nameThe name for the configuration
Device config IDThe device configuration of the devices that you want to set an alert for
DevicesThe devices for which the alerting tool will check the rule, it is possible to use the same configuration for multiple devices!
IntervalThe alerting tool will check the conditions once every x seconds/minutes/hours/...
Notification timeoutMinimum time between 2 notifications
Notification messageExtra detail message for the alert
Analyze all valuesWhen enabling analye all values, we will analyze each value seperately instead of choosing the mean/sum/median/... of all values in a period. This disables the WHEN, FOR and FROM options in the condition settings
Write alerts to databaseWhen this is enabled, alerts will be stored in the database, this will create a new measurements Capture_Alerts that can be selected in Grafana (see more info below about the fields in this measurement)
EnabledYou can enable or disable an alert

Disabling an alert

  1. Go to the configurations tab
  2. Click on the name of the alert config you want to disable
  3. Scroll down to te bottom and switch the Enabled button to off


Condition groups

To add a condition group, click the + Add Condition Group button. When you have multiple condition groups, you can select the AND or OR statement. The group can also have a subgroup by clicking on the + Add condition group on the bottom of the group area.


After you added a condition group, you can create a new condition by clicking + Add condition. The following settings will be made available:

ConnectionThe connection to the database
MeasurementDB measurement we want to follow
argumentcount, mean, median, last, sum, max, min, any (locked on any when Analyze all values is selected in General)
VariableThe variable you want to impose the condtion on
MethodMethod to check <, <=, ==, >=, >, !=, containing, not containing, matching regex, not matching regex
ValueThe value to check. For 'containing' and 'not containing', this is the text to look for. For '(not) matching regex', it is the regular expression to test agains. We use the .NET flavor if regex.
ForThe timeframe to check for the conditions (locked when Analyze all values is selected in General)
FromFrom when we should check the data (locked when Analyze all values is selected in General)
TagsUnique tag => used if you want to monitor different machines on the same field
Trigger on no valueWhen no value was measured in the give time interval, the alert will be triggered anyway if this is selected
Advanced queryEnables you to make a more advanced condition (e.g. for checking the difference between two variables)


To add a notification, press the + Add button and then select a Timezone and Mail or Report.


You can select the timezone to correctly set up the timestamps that are mentioned in the email.


After you selected Mail, you can choose the team(s) you want to send the alert to by clicking on the Add a team dropdown menu. If you wish to remove a team from the selection, click the Bin Icon



It is possible to generate a report when an alert gets triggered. You can choose the report in the Select a report dropdown menu.

Capture_Alerts fields in database

conditionsShows the condition that was met to trigger an alert at this specific timestamp
durationShows the duration of an alert trigger
NotificationShows the notification of the alert triggered on that timestamp
status0= inactive, 1= active
valuesShows the value that caused the alert to trigger